Description of the Oribatid mite data set
Download the Oribatid mite data setThis data set contains 3 files. Data on a line are separated by tabs.
1) Mite.txt: 70 sites (rows) x 35 morphospecies (columns). The sampling units are substrate cores 5 cm in diameter and 10 cem in depth, hereafter called "cores".
2) Mite_xy.txt: 70 cores (rows) x 2 coordinates in m, in Cartesian plane (columns).
3) Mite_env.txt: 70 cores (rows) x 5 environmental variables (columns).
- SubsDens: substratum density in g.L-1 of dry uncompressed matter (quantitative variable)
- WatrCont: water content of the substratum, in percent of volume (quantitative variable)
- Substrate (nominal variable):
- Sphagn1: Sphagnum group 1: Sphagnum magellanicum (with some S. rubellum)
- Sphagn2: Sphagnum goup 2: Sphagnum rubellum
- Sphagn3: Sphagnum group 3: Sphagnum nemoreum (with some S. angustifolium)
- Sphagn4: Sphagnum group 4: Sphagnum rubellum (with some S. magellanicum)
- Litter
- Barepeat: bare peat
- Interface: interfaces between any of the previous
- Shrubs (nominal variable):
- None
- Few
- Many
- Microtopography of the substratum (binary variable):
- Blanket: flat
- Hummock: raised
- Borcard, D., P. Legendre and P. Drapeau. 1992. Partialling out the spatial
component of ecological variation. Ecology 73: 1045-1055.
- Borcard, D. and P. Legendre. 1994. Environmental control and spatial structure in ecological communities: an example using Oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatei). Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1: 37-53.
Daniel Borcard
June 1996 (updated July 2016)