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CCA Bibliography 86-93
Coppejans, E., Beeckman, H. & De Wit, M. (1992) The seagrass and associated macroalgal vegetation of Gazi Bay (Kenya). Hydrobiologia 247, 59-75.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests; marine ecology; vascular plants, algae]
Cumming, B. F., Smol, J. P. & Birks, H. J. B. (1992) Scaled chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) from Adirondack drainage lakes and their relationship to environmental variables. Journal of Phycology 28, 162-178.[CCA, calibration, bootstrapping, Gaussian logit regression, Monte Carlo tests, partial CCA, response curves; algology, limnology; algae, chrysophytes]
Fairchild, G. W. & Sherman, J. W. (1993) Algal periphyton response to acidity and nutrients in softwater lakes: lake comparison vs. nutrient enrichment approaches. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 12, 157-167.[CCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; algology, limnology; algae, phytoplankton]
Fängström, I. & Willén, E. (1987) Clustering and canonical correspondence analysis of phytoplankton and environmental variables in Swedish lakes. Vegetatio 17, 87-95.[DCCA; limnology; algae, phytoplankton]
Hansen, J. R. & Ingolfsson, A. (1993) Patterns in species composition of rocky shore communities in sub-arctic fjords of eastern Iceland. Marine Biology 117, 469-481.[CCA; marine biology; algae, marine invertebrates]
Holopainen, A-L. & Huttunen, P. (1992) Effects of forest clear-cutting and soil disturbance on the biology of small forest brooks. Hydrobiologia 243/244, 457-464.[CCA; ecological impacts, management, limnology; algae]
Kautsky, H. & van der Maarel, E. (1990) Multivariate approaches to the variation in phytobenthic communities and environmental vectors in the Baltic Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 60, 169-184.[DCCA; marine biology; marine invertebrates, algae]
Kinrass, J. H., Christofi, N., Read, P. A. & Harriman, R. (1993) Filamentous algal communities related to pH in streams in the Trossachs, Scotland. Freshwater Biology 30, 301-317.[DCCA, Monte Carlo tests, calibration; limnology; algae]
Nicholls, K. H., Nakamoto, L. & Keller, W. (1992) Phytoplankton of Sudbury area lakes (Ontario) and relationships with acidification status. Canadian Journal of Aquatic Science 49 (Suppl.1), 40-51.[CCA; limnology, algology; algae, phytoplankton]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1988) Ecological studies of epilithic algae and fauna in the Baltic hydrolittoral. Doctoral thesis, Uppsala University, 200 pp.[CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, ecology, ecological impacts, algology; diatoms, algae, marine invertebrates]
Snoeijs, P. (1992) Ecology and taxonomy of Enteromorpha species in the vicinity of the Forsmark nuclear power plant (Bothnian Sea). Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 78, 11-23.[CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, ecology, ecological impacts, algology; algae]
Snoeijs, P. J. M. & Prentice, I. C. (1989) Effects of cooling water discharge on the structure and dynamics of epilithic algal communities in the northern Baltic. Hydrobiologia 184, 99-123.[CCA, temporal constraints; marine biology, algology, ecological impacts; algae, diatoms]
Snoeijs, P., Leskinen, E., Sundbäck, K., Kuylenstierna, M., Witkowsky, A. & Hällfors, G. (1990) Microphytobenthic cell density and species composition in the surface sediment in a shallow brackish-water bay (Gulf of Finland). Aqua Fennica 20, 103-114.[CCA; algology; algae, diatoms]
Sundbäck, K. & Snoeijs, P. J. M. (1991) Effects of nutrient enrichment on microalgal community composition in a coastal shallow-water sediment system: an experimental study. Botanica Marina 34, 341-358.[CCA, temporal constraints; algology, field experiments, marine biology; algae, diatoms]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1986) Canonical correspondence analysis: a new eigenvector technique for multivariate direct gradient analysis. Ecology 67, 1167-1179.[CCA, DCCA; theory, methods, ecology; spiders, vascular plants, algae]
ter Braak, C. J. F. (1987) Unimodal models to relate species to environment. Doctoral thesis, University of Wageningen, 152 pp.[CCA, partial CCA, DCCA, RDA, partial RDA, Gaussian logit regression, response curves and surfaces; theory, methods, ecology, ecological dynamics, limnology, management; spiders, vascular plants, algae]
Willén, E. (1992) Planktonic green algae in an acidification gradient of nutrient-poor lakes. Archiv Protistenkende 141, 47-64.[CCA; limnology, algology; algae]
Willen, E., Hajdu, S. & Pejler, Y. (1990) Summer phytoplankton in 73 nutrient-poor Swedish lakes. Classification, ordination and choice of long-term monitoring objects. Limnologica 20, 217-227.[CCA; limnology; algae, phytoplankton]